{Doctors Warn} A surge of Covid cases in the young and obese is happening.

NEW ORLEANS, La. (WGNO)- Another day of high coronavirus numbers. Orleans Parish is averaging daily 56 new cases, which is the highest it’s been since April 24 and Tulane Medical doctors are warning that they’re seeing some worrisome trends.

Day in and day out, doctors and nurses continue fighting Covid-19 and each day that the number of cases goes up, so do the concerns.

“We don’t know all the answers to Covid-19 and that is unsettling,” said Dr. Carlos Galvani, Tulane Medical, Division of M.I.S.

We’re on month five of the pandemic and we’re seeing numbers rise again but this time it’s affecting a different group; the young and the obese.

“What happens in this country is that obesity is very prevalent. So about 40 percent of people have something called BMI (Body Mass Index) more than 30,” explained Dr. Galvani.

That means your body mass index is higher than normal, which impacts your immune system and can cause major health issues.

Tulane doctors are warning that having obesity puts you at high risk of severe illnesses from Covid-19.

“Because once they get sick, they get really sick,” shared Dr. Galvani.

Dr. Galvaini told us, now is the time to take action if you are facing weight issues by taking your medications, eating right and call a doctor if you feel sick.

At this point, no one is immune to Covid-19. When parts of Louisiana started opening, the rise in young people contracting the virus became an issue.

“When you see young people that are going down and that are going down quickly, that of course for us as physicians very difficult to comprehend,” said Dr. Galvani. “To see patients that are in the ICU that they wouldn’t normally be other wise.”

A final message for those with obesity and those who are young, “Be mindful. Think about your friends.”

If you are planning on being out for the Fourth of July, doctors at Tulane say wearing a mask is a necessity.