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41 MILES OFF THE COAST OF LOUISIANA–On April 20th, 2010 at around 10:00pm, The Deepwater Horizon oil spill became one of the worst disasters in our country’s history.

Lieutenant John Edwards, of the United States Coast Guard remembers ten years ago saying, “I was actually in Maryland and came down here to Louisiana for the response, as did a lot of coast guard members from all over the nation. Deepwater Horizon was the most significant spill in American History. We had never encountered anything like that before. I recall that day, seeing the spill on the remote operated vehicles and it was quite a sight… we knew that we had a lot of work ahead of us”

The explosion happened 41 miles off the Louisiana coast and claimed the lives of ten workers. 210 million gallons of oil was released unto the water. It crippled Louisiana’s seafood industry and destroyed marine life for miles and for years. Even now, the lessons we learned are potent as the residual reflections of that event are still on the water.