Days away: We’re counting down to daylight saving and extra sleep


DALLAS (NEXSTAR) — Go ahead and mark your calendars for daylight saving time and an extra hour of sleep — and it happens the day after Halloween!

The clocks roll back one hour at 2 a.m., November 1, 2020.

The annual change comes in the middle of the night, but most people usually set their clocks back before heading to bed Saturday night.

It’s also a good time to replace batteries in warning devices such as smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. If your device has sealed-in batteries, remove any debris and check to confirm they are functioning properly.

There are a few places where people don’t have to do anything because they never went on daylight saving time, such as Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Arizona.

But the rest of us will get what feels like an extra hour in bed to start November, guilt free!

Daylight saving time will return at 2 a.m. on March 14, 2021.