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COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — A man wearing a t-shirt “Dancing for Peace” on one side and “The Dancing Trucker” on the other drove from Cincinnati to Columbus to promote peace.

John Drury, a trucker who loves to dance, vibed in front of the cenotaph in fluorescent orange and yellow shoes with pink socks and shorts to the music playing in his headphones.

“I just wanted to do my part,” said Drury, when NBC4 caught up with him. “I know there are hundreds of people up there, kind of standing for the same thing, and it’s just me, you know, kind of doing the opposite, wanting peace.

“People love drama. They love chaos, and conflict. That’s human beings. So I’m kind of different in that aspect.”

Drury is a trucker from Cincinnati, so Columbus was a short drive for him. He says he lost a lot of weight doing Zumba, and now dances for exercise.