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CROWLEY, La. (KLFY) Crowley Police Chief Jimmy Broussard says more officers will be on the streets with little tolerance for crime.

If need be, he’ll reach out to other enforcement agencies for help.

“We’re going to be stopping people. We’re going to be saying where are you going and what are you doing?”

Chief Broussard says gang violence and juvenile crime is causing people to live in fear for their lives.

“They have to be thinking what’s going to happen next.  I had one person tell me that they got use to hitting the deck whenever they hear bullets fly.  It shouldn’t be that way,’ the chief said.

He says law abiding citizens deserve to feel safe.

For the chief, “Take Back Our Streets” is more than a slogan it’s a message about acting.

“If they’re after someone, these kids just want to get a shot in.  I hate to say it, but they don’t care who they shoot at,” he stated.

Pastor Corwin Morgan is a long time Crowley resident who knows the area and the people.

“Children are having children and that’s our biggest problem. The parents are not parenting.  I know they’re probably going to get mad at me, but the truth is the truth,” Pastor Morgan explained.

Pastor Morgan has a message for leaders and people in the community.

“Just don’t exist.  A lot of us just want to exist.  We need to make a difference,” the pastor added.

“Together we’re taking our streets back.  Together we’re going to make Crowley what it’s supposed to be,” the chief stated.