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MARION, Ark. — A woman is sentenced to 126 years in prison after shooting and killing an 8-year-old girl last year.

Ja’Myiah Hall

25-year-old Shanteria Montgomery was found guilty of first-degree murder, terroristic threats and tampering with evidence. 

On April 10, 2022, Montgomery got into a fight with someone near where kids were playing and fired a shot that unintentionally hit Ja’Myiah Hall in the head. She had been playing with her friends in the Sherwood Cove area of Marion, Arkansas.

The third grader was rushed to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, where she later died from her injuries. 

Her father, Rodney Hall, says he can now sleep peacefully knowing his daughter’s murderer will spend the rest of her life in prison. 

“My excitement was through the roof. I’m getting justice. I don’t have to have sleepless nights and wonder if I’m going to get justice for my baby,” he said.

Rodney said that during the trial, Montgomery showed no remorse. “She didn’t have any emotions. So I was wondering how could this young lady with kids do such a thing and don’t have any feelings.”

Rodney says he has lived his life in honor of his daughter, and he hopes to help others who have lost their loved ones to gun violence. “Hearts up, guns down, stop the senseless violence.”