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All subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty

MONROE, La. (KTVE/KARD) — On March 15, 2023, the Monroe Police Department responded to a shooting on Spurgeon Drive, which resulted in a woman being shot and later pronounced deceased. Once officers arrived at the scene, 40-year-old Chasire Powell was standing in the doorway and was told to show his hands.

According to police, Powell was taken into custody and was advised of his Miranda rights. According to officers, a witness on the scene advised she, Powell, and the victim were the only three people at the residence during the incident.

According to officers, the witness stated she went into her bedroom while the victim was in the kitchen and Powell was in the living room. The witness said that she then heard multiple shots and exited her room to Powell allegedly standing outside while the victim ran away from the residence.

Police were advised that Powell was heard saying, “She shouldn’t have said my cousin’s name.” The victim was then located in the driveway, suffering from gunshot wounds. According to officers, the blood trail led them back to the residence where blood was also observed in the kitchen where the incident started.

A .45 caliber shell casing was located on the front steps of the residence. A black Glock .45 pistol was located in the couch. During the arrest, Powell allegedly gave officers two spent .45 caliber shell casings that he picked up from the ground.

Officers attempted to speak with Powell but he was allegedly under the influence of unknown narcotics. Powell is a convicted felon for cocaine possession, simple arson, and domestic abuse battery. He was charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon and Second-Degree Murder.