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WALKER, La. (BRPROUD) — At first, it seemed harmless and even helpful, but now, a new piece of technology could be dangerous in the hands of criminals.

Little devices called AirTags are being used to help track things like like your keys or wallet, however, they’re now possibly being used to track people and vehicles.

“I was scared,” said Walker resident Jennifer Perkins. “When I got home, I got a notification on my phone and it showed everywhere I went that night, and it has like a red dot of where they checked your location.”

After working a night shift, Perkins said she received this unusual message on her phone.

“It says your current location can be seen by the owner of this item.”

After doing some research and reading about some similar situations, Perkins realized she was possibly being tracked. She said she reported the situation to a local police agency.

She’s not the only one who has received these unusual messages. This is a growing issue.

“You do have, unfortunately, human trafficking. You could see it in a domestic situation or you could be at the store and someone could see something that you bought that they wanted,” said Denham Springs Police Department Public Information Officer Amber Fairburn.

Some have found these devices in small places like in bags or even under cars.

“A lot of people have also texted me and said the same things happened to them,” said Perkins.

She posted her experience on Facebook to warn others.

“I posted it because I don’t want this to happen to other people and they have not know what it is. Something bad could happen to someone else,” said Perkins.

“Don’t ever hesitate, if you feel like something is wrong, speak out,” said Fairburn.

Denham Springs Police Department said to always be aware of your surroundings, travel with a buddy at night, and if you feel like you’re being tracked, call law enforcement.