Watch: NOPD camera helps lead police to armed robbery suspect

NEW ORLEANS — The New Orleans Police Department released video of an arrest that was aided and recorded by a Real Time Crime Center camera.

The arrest happened Tuesday afternoon, November 6.  According to police, the armed robbery occurred at the intersection of Hammond Street and Flake Avenue.

The Real Time Crime Center gives crime fighters a view of neighborhoods across the city with cameras that can be used to follow and record incidents as they occur.

As officers were searching the area, one of the RTCC’s technicians focused a camera on the 6700 block of Tara Lane.  There, the worker was able to find and follow the suspect while directing officers on the ground in the correct direction.

The suspect is identified as 41-year-old Wayne Thornton.

One of New Orleans RTCC cameras

According to police, the RTCC technician was able to follow Thornton as he entered an apartment in the area.  Officers were directed to the door and made the arrest without any injuries.  Police say that while Thornton was inside the apartment, he was able to change clothes in an attempt to throw-off officers.

Thornton was booked with charges of armed robbery and resisting an officer.

The city’s RTCC program has more than 300 cameras and more than 20 license plate readers.

To see the video, click on the button at the top of this page.