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NEW ORLEANS — The Louisiana SPCA announced the arrest of a suspect in the killing of a cat earlier in the week.

According to the SPCA, the suspect is a 19-year-old named Kyre West.  According to Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office records, West was booked with one count of aggravated cruelty to animals.  As of Thursday night, there was no word on his bond in the case.

According to the LA/SPCA, its law enforcement workers received a call at about 11:00 Thursday morning from someone who was able to take photos of the car that the shooter was driving as well as its license plate.  The group contacted the New Orleans Police Department with the information.

The cat was shot at about 4:30 in the morning on Wednesday, October 4.  Surveillance video that was recorded around the time of the attack shows a car making several passes through the area of Cadiz and Freret streets.  At one point, the car appears to startle a pair of cats.  After the cats settle down and stop running, the car creeps up and the driver appears to aim a rifle at one of the cats.  Seconds later, the cat is seen collapsing, and the car drives away from the scene.

According to the LA/SPCA, the cat’s name was Blackie.  It’s believed that the cat belonged to a larger feral cat colony.  Workers with the LA/SPCA say that they believe other cats may have been shot based on blood splatter that was located in several areas around the site of the shooting.

The LA/SPCA offered a $1,000 reward for information in the case.  Workers with the group say the money will be given to the person who phone in the information about the car and its license plate.