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CHALMETTE, La. (WGNO) – Embattled Saint Bernard Parish President Dave Peralta was back in court Wednesday, after pleading not guilty to 22 charges last week (including stalking, abuse and malfeasance in office, extortion and obstruction of justice).

A judge made a ruling on two pre-trial motions. First, Peralta’s Attorney Martin Regan requested the hearing be continued, citing a personal medical problem. The judge granted that request, so the original motion that was going to be addressed (to have the current prosecutors taken off the case) would not be heard until October 19.

On October 19, the judge will hear a number of pre-trial motions about police reports, psychiatric records, evidence, discovery and other legal paperwork.

The second motion, filed by the prosecution, tried to deny Peralta’s defense team access to discovery because the defense said they were ready to go to trial.
The judge denied that.

Peralta’s lawyer told WGNO after the hearing, that the charges are all politically motivated by people who want him “out” of office and this case really can’t go on until they hear back from the Supreme Court about their filing against the Attorney General for misconduct. Regan said they’re expecting a ruling on that any day now.

Peralta was hoping this trial would finish before this Fall’s elections since he wants to seek a second term and preliminary hearings would conflict with campaign season. The judge says the case won’t be ready for trial until next year, even if they do a speedy trial.

Peralta also faces other legal battles in Saint Tammany and East Baton Rouge parishes.