PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) — A Panama City woman has been charged with grand theft and scheming to defraud her employer by taking advantage of her co-workers and her employer-paid benefits, according to authorities.

Hannah Kathryn Frith, 33, began providing her employer with forged doctor’s notes claiming various medical conditions that prevented her from working in an office environment and only allowing her to work from home on a limited basis, according to the Panama City Police Department.
Over the next 15 months, the doctor’s notes included medical conditions such as a high-risk pregnancy, pregnancy with twins, a shunt placed in her brain, two emergency surgeries, and a c-section birth.
Frith had exhausted all her leave as provided by her employer, but colleagues donated their leave time and her employee provided additional benefits, according to the release.
The benefits totaled more than $17,000. She was arrested and booked into the Bay County Jail.
Anyone having information in this case is urged to call the Panama City Police Department at
850-872-3100, or they can report tips anonymously via smartphone by downloading the
“Panama City PD” Tip411 app from the iOS or Google Play stores.