Morgan City sex offender arrested for handing out candy on Halloween night

Eddie Wright

MORGAN CITY, La. (KLFY) — A convicted Morgan City sex offender was arrested on Halloween night for handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, according to police.

According to Police Chief James F. Blair, 68-year-old Eddie Wright, of Morgan City, faces a charge of ‘convicted sex offender distributing gifts or candy on Halloween.’

Blair said officers were patrolling the area of Lakeside Subdivision during Halloween night when they were told of a sex offender distributing candy for Halloween.

Officers identified Wright, and checks were done to confirm that Wright was in fact a convicted sex offender.

Patrol officers found Wright in the area of Kimberly Drive and saw that he was set up to hand out candy.

Wright admitted to participating in Halloween, and he was arrested and transported to the Morgan City Jail where he was booked.