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BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) – Colonel Lamar Davis began speaking in front of the committee at 9:45 a.m.

Rep. Marcelle responded to Colonel Davis overseeing the investigation of Lieutenant Colonel M. Doug Cain, “It’s like the fox watching the hen house.”

Marcelle believes an independent party needs to conduct the investigation on the #2 person at LSP instead of Internal Affairs.

Colonel Davis says it is important to have balance.

It is not the case that we are doing something subversive, says Col. Davis.

Rep. Marcelle says Col. Davis needs to do more in terms of transparency.

Rep, Jordan is speaking about how Lieutenant Colonel Cain should be on administrative leave.

Lawmakers are speaking out on the time it is taking for internal affairs to perform the investigation.

Col. Davis said he is not going to compromise his integrity.

John Belton, District Attorney, Third Judicial District is taking at seat around 10:50 a.m.

Belton says, “my heart breaks for Mr. Ronald Greene.”

Rep. Marcelle asks whether Union Parish Sheriff’s Office is being investigated by the Department of Justice.

Belton confirms that UPSO is being investigated at this time.

Belton concurs that the investigation has gone too long. He gave Van Hook, with the Department of Justice, his word that he wouldn’t press charges. But now the end time for the investigation has been pushed back.

The district attorney says last week the U.S Department of Justice gave him the go-ahead to pursue state charges in the Ronald Greene case.

DA Belton continued by saying, “No one is above the law.”

Belton says he is moving swiftly towards initiating an investigation.

The timeline for charges from D.A. Belton includes the receiving of specific information from the Department of Justice. After that, Belton says he will pursue charges.


The Louisiana Legislature is continuing to look into the death of Ronald Greene.

On Thursday, April 7, the House Special Committee to Inquire into the Circumstances and Investigation of the Death of Ronald Greene is gathering at 9:30 a.m.

The agenda for Thursday’s committee meeting can be found below:



Retired Major Charles Dupuy, Former Chief of Staff, Louisiana State Police
Colonel Lamar Davis, Superintendent, Louisiana State Police
John Belton, District Attorney, Third Judicial District