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MARKSVILLE, La. (KLFY) —In 1977, a Black man was sentenced to 100 years in prison, convicted of attempted rape of white twin sisters. Today, after serving 44 years, his charges were dismissed in a court hearing in Avoyelles Parish after an attorney filed a motion for his release, citing an unfair trial.

Vincent Simmons, now 69, is a free man after being sentenced when he was 25 and spending 44 years in prison. Avoyelles Parish District Attorney Charlie Riddle will not prosecute and has dismissed the charges against Simmons. Riddle says the time Simmons served is sufficient, and the victims don’t want to go through another trial.

“I want to go somewhere where it’s quiet and I can think and enjoy the moment of freedom,” Simmons said.

“The next thing we’re working on is making sure Angola gets all the paperwork but today the conviction was vacated, and it was dismissed,” Simmons’ attorney, Justin Bonus said. Bonus filed the motion for his release

Simmons was accused of attempted aggravated rape of 14-year-old twin sisters Sharon and Karen Sanders, who are white. His conviction was handed down by a jury of 11 white men and one Black woman, CBS reported. CBS’s David Begnaud recently investigated the case, asking the question of whether Simmons got a fair trial.

According to CBS, Riddle offered to release Simmons on the term that he register as a sex offender, but Simmons refused, maintaining his innocence.

Attorney Malcolm Larvadain of Alexandria served the case as an in-state lawyer since Simmons’ lawyer was out of state.  

“It’s incredible. This was a case my late father started upon his passing I inherited it,” Larvadain added.

Also, a couple from the Netherlands were in court.  

Mr. and Mrs. Bultman said they have been active supporters of Vincent for 23 years.

“I’m so happy for him,” Mrs. Bultman stated.  “We promised him years ago we would get you out and this,” Mr. Bultan added.

The prosecution stated that the victim’s refusal for another trial is not a declaration of Simmons’ innocence.

CBS contributed to this report.