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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – The debate on short-term rentals in New Orleans continues as city council members get closer to a decision.

The council has until March 31 to rewrite the city’s short-term rental law based on a on a federal appeals court decision.

The meeting lasted more than five hours as dozens of housing advocates, neighborhood groups and STR owners argued their sides.

Among the changes being considered is a lottery system to determine who will be able to operate an STR on their block, also known as a square face in this case.

Councilwoman Lesli Harris questioned that method and urged the chief zoning official to go back to the drawing board.

“Thinking that it kind of seems Willy Wonka-ish,” Harris said. “To me, I think it’s more equitable, more familiar to have a first-come, first-serve application process, and again, so people understand there’s a time period where they can apply.”

Some against STRs say they would like to see residential STRs to be completely outlawed but will take the proposed regulations.

Last week, council members voted 4-3 to amend the zoning ordinance to limit the number of STR permits to one per square face.

Some who own and operate an STR say those who followed the proper protocol will lose their licenses.

The council will vote on the ordinances during their March 23 meeting, and the public is encouraged to attend.