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NEW ORLEANS, La. (WGNO)- Working from home is our new normal. Whether that means for parents, teachers and students, really everyone is the city unless they are deemed essential.

With schools closed, some teachers are still finding a way to make ends meet. One teacher we spoke to is learning from her students in China, on how to survive the Coronavirus Pandemic.

“My name is Kelly Ortolano. I am a distance learning teacher.”

Chances are, in the last few weeks you’ve heard that term before, distance learning but, what does that mean?


“It’s similar to what we are doing. From states, countries away you’re still able to to connect with these students,” reporter Peyton LoCicero asked the teacher.

“Yes ma’am. They are all in their homes because they are quarantined also,” explained Kelly Ortolano, teacher. “It goes through a “skype” like program and it’s four students and one teacher. We do the lesson together.”

Ortolano’s journey started when she wanted to make a little extra money on the side. She started teaching english on to students in China.

“I went through the process got hired last summer and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it,” share Ortolano.

“How have their spirits been during this time that they have been quarantined,” LoCicero asked. 

“They are sharing their advice,” said Ortolano. “I had a student who told me are you going to the supermarket? And I said yes and he said don’t buy the toilet paper it won’t help you. I just kind of chuckled and at the end of every lesson they tell me to be safe and I tell them to do the same. But they are staying in good spirits, kind of like our students here.”

“What would you tell other teacher,” LoCicero questioned.

“It’s an adjustment but it gets easier. It’s the way of the future.”

For more stories by Peyton LoCicero, follow her on social media.


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