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MANDEVILLE, LA (WGNO) — State troopers, Mandeville police, St. Tammany deputies and Causeway police briefly closed the bridge to make an arrest Thursday afternoon.

Bridge workers say state police were leading the investigation into a stolen car that was detected entering the northbound span.  Troopers asked the other law enforcement agencies for help.

It happened at about 1:30 in the afternoon.

Bridge workers say the stolen car was stopped at about three miles from the north shore.

At one point, police appeared ready to stop the car with spike strips at the top of the bridge.

The bridge was briefly closed to traffic as the suspect’s car approached the north shore.

Nobody got hurt.

The video above shows Mandeville police on the north shore preparing — just in case the driver refused to stop on the bridge.  Additional shots show the scene from both spans of the bridge, the alleged stolen Honda, and the car as it was towed from the scene.