Cat Crook: “Cat burglar” stealing neighbors clothes & laundry

METAIRIE, La.– There’s a mysterious case of laundry and clothes going missing in Metairie on Oaklawn Drive. The culprit has four-legs and is known as the “Cat Burglar.”

“My cat is a kleptomaniac and he keeps taking the neighbor’s stuff,” Heather Bardi, cat owner said.

Heather Bardi’s 4-year old cat, “Admiral Galacticat” likes stealing laundry.

“Like a cat would bring a dead mouse, he wants to bring me presents,” Bardi said.

Bardi started letting her cat roam outdoors for the first time during the quarantine, and that’s when he started stealing neighbor’s stuff.

“He’s got a problem! He’s been stealing bathing suits, tank tops, socks, underwear, rags, gloves. I honestly think it is whatever he comes across and he’s like this is mine now,” she said.

To solve this cat caper Heather put out a sign in her yard listing the goods that were stolen, so neighbors can come pick up their missing loot.

“I can’t stop him, I’m really sorry,” she said.

Heather even installed a security camera to catch her cat in his tracks and watch his shenanigans, but she doesn’t think he is working alone.

“Admiral Galacticat has a girlfriend named Lucille and I think he is leading her into a life of crime. It is like the Bonnie and Clyde of cats. The other day I witnessed her bringing a glove home too,” Bardi said.

Any neighbors who are missing clothes can come by to Heather’s home or message her on Facebook.

Bardi now says that Admiral Galacticat’s crime spree has inspired them to turn this into something positive. They are currently planning on setting up donation bins at a few local grocery stores to provide goods for dogs and cats in need in our community.