California governor expected to lift stay-at-home order Monday

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to lift the statewide stay-at-home order on Monday, according to California Capitol correspondent Ashley Zavala.

All counties would reportedly go back to the tier system.

Zavala said most regions will return to the most-restrictive purple tier, allowing the reopening of outdoor dining and indoor salons.

The governor’s office is apparently basing this decision on four-week intensive care unit projections, which are not public.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed is apparently holding a press briefing around 1:15 p.m. Monday, according to the Golden Gate Restaurant Association, and she is expected to address the San Francisco reopening plan, which is already believed to be following the state color code tiers.

There could be additional restrictions by the San Francisco Department of Public Health.

A spokesperson from the California Department of Public Health sent out a statement Sunday. The spokesperson did not confirm the announcement but said the state is seeing “promising signs” and that officials will provide an update on Monday.

Letter sent by the California Restaurant Association to members 

This comes after some regions in California reported a significant increase in ICU bed capacity.

As of Saturday, ICU capacity in the Bay Area jumped to 23.4%, a major increase from its 0.7% ICU capacity reported less than two weeks prior.

In other regions across the golden state, ICU capacity is at:

California’s regional order requires a three-week minimum shutdown when an area’s total ICU capacity falls below 15%.

When the Bay Area and Northern California surpassed the needed 15% to ditch the order, many desperately waited for word from state officials, but it didn’t come.

The California Department of Public Health and Newsom stopped providing daily regional ICU capacity percentages to the public.

Before Friday, it had been a week since California health leaders last provided specific ICU capacity percentages, the key data point Newsom’s administration has said would help determine which regions remain under his mandated stay-at-home order.

All week, the state would not provide the numbers, only saying in email updates that three regions — the Bay Area, Southern California and San Joaquin Valley — remain under the order and that their four-week ICU capacity projections do not meet criteria to exit.