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Metairie, La. — Former Saints running back Reggie Bush, and wide receiver Marques Colston, were officially announced as the two newest members of the Saints Hall of Fame. The duo of 2006 draft picks will be inducted this October, along with former Louisiana Governor, Kathleen Blanco, who was chosen to receive the Joe Gemelli “Fleur de Lis” award. The festivities surrounding the induction will take place the weekend of October 25-27th.

At Wednesday’s formal press conference to announce the members of the 2019 class, both Bush and Colston spoke about what their time playing for the Saints meant to them.

“To be able to come here and win a Super Bowl and to be a part of history, it’s just really cool,” Bush said. “I’m so appreciative to be here now. New Orleans is home away from home for me and I couldn’t be happier to go into the Saints Hall of Fame with Colston. He was such a big piece of what we did.”

“What you quickly realize, is that the opportunity to come and play at this organization, the one thing that you’re going to get is an opportunity to show what you can do,” Colston said. “I’m obviously forever grateful– forever indebted to this organization for getting that opportunity.”

Bush and Colston came into the league from opposite ends of the draft spectrum– Bush being the Saints first round pick in the 2006 NFL Draft, and Colston being the Saints last pick, in the 7th round of that same draft class.

“It’s truly an honor to be here and really share the stage with these three extraordinary people,” Colston said. “To be a part of this extraordinary organization that has become a second family and to really have this opportunity to look back on the 10 years that I spent here. When you come in the league as a 7th round pick, something like this really isn’t on your radar. You’re kind of in survival mode day in and day out. The mindset is really you’re hoping you did enough that day to keep your job.”

Both quickly embraced the city of New Orleans as a second home, and have spend countless hours giving back. As Bush explained, it was an immediate connection to the city, coming-in a mere 8 months after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city.

“I remember the first time I got to New Orleans and I was taken on a tour of New Orleans through the 9th Ward to see a lot of the devastation,” Bush said. “Right away I felt this sense of responsibility to give it 110% every day. Every time I stepped on the field and to at least do my very best to try and bring this city, this organization a Super Bowl. Fast forward to four years later and we were able to do that. I truly believe that everybody that came to this team during that time period was brought here for a purpose. For a purpose to help restore hope to the city, to the people by going out and doing what we do best– playing football.”