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NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA– There is a lot of uncertainty as we approach the holiday season, as it relates to the coronavirus. On October 1st, Brooklyn Hughes at 6th grader decided to take it upon herself to get some answers about Halloween from the highest authority she knew, Mayor Latoya Cantrell of New Orleans.

Dear Mayor Cantrell

Hi, I’m Brooklyn of Girl Scout Troop 40150. We met at the Juliette Low Leadership Luncheon in October last year in 2019.

I was wondering how Halloween is going to work this year. Of course because of Covid we would have to wear mask and social distance. Will we get to have Halloween? Hopefully we get to have Halloween, it’s the best time of year.

Me and my friends all go trick-or-treating together. I’ll be really sad if we can’t do Halloween this year. Since Halloween is on a Saturday instead of having 2 hours of trick-or-treating maybe we could have the whole day of trick-or-treating so it won’t be so crowded.


Brooklyn Hughes

Brooklyn says she wanted answers on behalf of herself and her friends, saying, “I was wondering how, Halloween is going to work this year. Of course because of COVID we are going to have to wear masks, social distance, if we even have Halloween… Since it’s quarantine, we can’t really do a lot of stuff that used to do, but Halloween is a very fun time, so I would like to do that,” says Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a courageous young lady who is a fan of Stranger Things, and haunted houses. Her costume picks over the years have been very fashionable. She’s been a fox, a dolphin and this year, she plans to group up with her friends and become The Powder Puff Girls from Cartoon Network.

Brooklyn believes she has the answer the city needs for a safe Halloween and came up with the idea to break up trick or treating over the course of a Saturday saying, “usually we only have like two hours of trick or treating, but like we can have the whole day and people can sit outside with candy and their gloves, so we can get candy and see everybody’s new costumes.”

The Mayor Latoya Cantrell did answer Brooklyn’s email assuring that Halloween would definitely happen and that the city was working on guidelines and that she was proud of Brooklyn. The Mayor’s full response is below:


Thank you for your email and questions regarding Halloween! Of course we will have Halloween! Now, all of the guidelines are not in place just yet, but I am working on it as we continue to see progress. I love your ideas!!!! I am proud of you and please stay engaged.

Your Auntie Mayor

In the middle of a Zoom class, Brooklyn read the Mayor’s response to her and says, “I was excited! I didn’t know she was going to write me back.”