Bra Boys: Men model cancer-fighting bras for fashion show

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)- Tonight a great cause will get fashionable!  A breast cancer awareness event with bodacious bras and a special fashion show will take place outside Harrah’s.  Men will walk the runway wearing bras made by Harrah’s Hotel & Casino employees in a “Battle of the Bras” fashion show.

News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez is one of the models, so he’ll tell us all about it!

“This bra is so much fun!  It’s a Hershey’s kiss design that reads kiss breast cancer goodbye,”  Holly Matherne with Harrah’s said.

22 bras will all take center stage at tonight’s “Fashion on Fulton: A Cureture Runway” at the Fulton Street promenade, adjacent to Harrah’s Hotel at Fulton and Poydras. The bras were auctioned off to raise funds for breast cancer research.  The event is sponsored by Harrah’s New Orleans with New Orleans Fashion Week.  Proceeds will benefit the  American Cancer Society of New Orleans.

The “Fashion on Fulton” show will also feature ballgowns designed for ladies by local fashion houses Pedram Couture and suits for men by Luca Falcone Custom Clothiers.

“All of us are affected one way or another by cancer.  We all know either a mom, sister, or friend with cancer.  We just want to get the message out there,”  Tracee Dundas, President of New Orleans Fashion Week said.