Behind the scenes of ESPN as the team gears up for the National Championship 2020


NEW ORLEANS, La. (WGNO)- On Monday night, thousands of fans will flood into the Superdome for the big game. The fans that can’t get into the game will either be at a sports bar or at home glued to the television and, all will be watching ESPN.

With so many broadcasts that ESPN does, have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes?

“To building multiple sets that we are doing, with multiple trucks, dozens of broadcasts, there is so much that the viewers don’t see what goes into a broadcast like we are doing here in New Orleans,” explained Drew Gallagher, ESPN Coordinating Producer.

You never know what will happen during a live show, that’s why you always have to expect the unexpected.

“Honestly…its a lot of the hay is in the barn. Tons. Yeah, a lot of hay. This has kind of been four or five months of information gathering, all the way back to March,” said Greg McElroy, ESPN Anchor.

Some say it’s controlled chaos but, it is a well-oiled machine.

“The crazy thing about this year is we have a team from the ACC and the SEC. Now we have both of those conference networks here as well. So, it’s really like all of our network worlds are colliding,” shared Gallagher.