Almost all social gatherings now banned on Oahu

HONOLULU (KHON2) — New restrictions now in effect on Oahu say that nearly all social gatherings of any size will not be allowed in both public and private spaces.

The order includes gatherings inside homes, but members of the same family unit are exempt. People who live by themselves will have to stay alone.

“For the purposes of this order a ‘social gathering’ is a gathering or event that brings together people from multiple households or living units at the same time for a discrete, shared or group experience in a single room, space, or place,” said the city in a news release.

Following the letter of the order, it means even couples who live in separate places are to stay separated. Visiting friends or even family will not be allowed until Wednesday, September 16.

Howver, people are allowed to gather in a group of no larger than five in what the city is referring to as controlled spaces, which includes place like shopping malls, grocery stores or restaurants.

“In our restaurant, what we will do is simply take chairs away so that no table has more than five,” said Greg Maples of the Hawaii Restaurant Association. “We will have to explain to guests when they make reservations, or come in, you know, when they have a large group they have to split up.”  

Masks are now also required both indoors and outdoors when safe physical distancing is not possible.

The mayor is dialing back his plan to ban singing at religious services and says that it will be allowed as long as the singer is at least 10 feet away from another person. If the service is indoors, a physical barrier must be in place.     

“Honestly, I don’t think [Tuesday]’s restrictions were consequential,” said Lt. Governor Josh Green. “I think it’s good to have smaller gatherings, but it was really the large gatherings outdoors. [Tuesday] was really just small changes.”

To view the full order, click here.