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Sheriff Marlin Gusman will have a lot to talk about during Tuesday night’s state address. The new jail behind me has been the source of a number of issues and a recent state audit released yesterday has caused a lot of controversy.

That audit says dozens of deputies took extra pay they weren’t entitled to, to the tune of a million dollars. The audit also says a now-retired OP colonel started his own private security company, working at Jazz Fest, Super Bowl 47 and the NBA All-Star game. That could be illegal. A chief deputy who helped arrange jobs for that company has already resigned. Gusman says he doesn’t agree with the audit’s findings but he’s cooperating.

A few other issues he`s likely to address:

Back in February, a federal monitor blasted Gusman`s management of the new jail (Orleans Justice Center) testifying that there were disturbing levels of violence, also criticizing the jail`s budget, housing and more.

And last year, Mayor Mitch Landrieu and Gusman put out scathing press releases about each other. The two arguing over jail funding and housing.

Gusman’s speech starts at 6 PM at the Beacon Light Church in Gentilly.