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BELLEVILLE, Ill. (KTVI) – “What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job layoffs?”

Remember that climate change question from Ken Bone?

That moment during a 2016 presidential debate catapulted Bone to national recognition, not just for the question but for his red sweater and white undershirt, too.

“During the last election cycle, they called me an undecided voter. The right term is uncommitted voter, and there’s millions of us out there because they don’t really like either of these candidates,” Bone said.

Sitting on his couch, bearing the same attire from 2016, he prepared to hear President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden battle on the debate stage.

“It’s hard to say we don’t already know everything we need to know, but then we thought that last time,” Bone said.

Though Trump complimented Bone’s question in 2016, Bone says he wants to see more attention brought to it.

Not to his surprise, the topic didn’t make the first presidential debate topic list in 2020 either.

“If you want to draw young people into this election, climate change is a top 2 or 3 issue for just about every young voter, and it’s kind of weird they’re not addressing it again,” he said.

Bone says he has a clue on who he’s voting for this year, and he’s hopeful the U.S. can eventually get past this moment to move the country forward.

“So we can get back to rebuilding America and not fighting over red versus blue anymore,” he said.