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Louisiana’s early voting numbers for the runoff election show more people aren’t waiting to have their say.

NBC Local 33’s Harrison Golden  says that the numbers are historic.

A record number of voters spent seven days getting their ballots out of the way… at least 100-thousand more than in the October primary.

So far, in the governor’s race… political analyst John Couvillon says the demographics favor the democrat.

“Given that you have this extraordinary amount of energy from black democrats during early voting, you have to conclude that some of that is going to continue into Saturday, and it’s going to benefit Governor Edwards,” says Couvillon.

Early voting turnout for black voters jumped from 25 percent in the primary… to 31 percent in this runoff.

But it’s still unclear whether the early turnout alone will be enough to cement who wins.

Republicans hope President Trump’s Bossier City rally Thursday will lure challenger Eddie Rispone’s backers to the polls on Saturday.

If you’d like to vote in person, the polls open at 7:00 A.M. on Saturday, and close at 8:00 P.M.