3-year-old burned after falling into thermal feature at Yellowstone

Midway Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park (Getty)

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. (AP) — A 3-year-old child has been severely burned after falling in a thermal feature in Yellowstone National Park. Park officials say the child ran off a trail Friday near Midway Geyser Basin on the park’s western side.

The child slipped and fell into the small thermal feature. The child was flown to a burn unit at a hospital in Idaho Falls with second-degree burns to the lower body and back.

Park officials say they’re investigating. The child’s identity, condition and whether the child was a boy or girl weren’t immediately available.

The child is the second person burned in a Yellowstone thermal feature this year.

A woman backing up and taking photos fell into a hot spring or fumarole near Old Faithful Geyser in May.