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HOLDEN, La –  Bo Duke is busy.

He’s at work at John Schneider Studios.

That’s where WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood asks  Bo Duke, that’s John Schneider, a question.

“Has this been on your bucket list for a long time?” Wild Bill wonders.

John Schneider says, “no I never thought I’d do this, never really thought about it.”

It, is a stunt.

And he, Bo Duke, John Schneider is not a stuntman.

John says, “I’ve got to get like 50-55 miles an hour, hit a ramp and then jump over the swamp.”

That’s what John Schneider is doing.

He’s doing it Saturday April 7 at 3pm.  It’s part of what he calls “Bo’s Extravaganza”.

If you’d like to go, just click right here for tickets.

John Schneider takes Wild Bill for a test drive for what will be a wild ride.

It’s in a 1969 Dodge Charger just like the original General Lee from The Dukes of Hazzard, the TV show that made John Schneider a star.

John says, “thing about it, you can shoot it from any angle and it’s a sexy beast.”

Wild Bill says, “just like you, John!”

John Schneider has been an actor, a singer, a movie producer and a director.

But one role was always missing.

John says, “I can’t be the guy who’s known for driving and jumping this car who’s never actually done it.”

Wild Bill says, “are you crazy, have you lost your mind, has super stardom totally gone to your head?”

John says, “well, yea.”

John Schneider may be no stuntman, but he’s about to blast off in the General Lee, the car he used to drive on The Dukes of Hazzard.

He’ll take off and and fly across a 75-foot swamp at John Schneider Studios.

John says, “I’ve been telling people the truth for 39 years that I did not actually jump the General Lee, so it’s about time, don’t you think?”

Wild Bill says, “I hate to bring this up, but you could die!”

John says, “no. Banged up, well yea, but we’re all going to die.

John’s goal is to make jumping the General Lee for the first time, not his last.

If he wants to do it again, a second time, he can.

John says, “my experience is if all goes well is to check this off my list.”

You know what Bo Duke would say to that.
