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NEW ORLEANS –  When they ask a group of New Orleans kids what they did at summer camp, they’ll proudly say, ” we catapulted ornaments toward a Christmas tree!”

That’s just one thing these kids are doing.

That’s the group of girls WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood wants you to meet in Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

The girls have gathered at summer camp.

It’s the creation of Autumn Routt.

Autumn is rising senior at Lusher Charter School in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Autumn says, “well often, people perceive girls are not as interested in subjects like science, technology, engineering and math, but usually haven’t been exposed to it yet.”

Wild Bill Wood says, “not until they arrive at this summer camp.”

The summer camp is Autumn Routt’s idea because she’s got big brain power.

Her school, New Orleans Lusher Charter School is the campground for two weeks worth of creating cars and elevators and even putting into motion that catapult that launches ornaments at a Christmas tree.

When Wild Bill Wood gets a look at that, he says, “I’m kind of confused, what lesson are they learning with the catapult?”

Chloe Cazayoux has the answer.

Chloe says, “well, this project teaches fundamentals of engineering by building a simple machine using an even simpler machine.”

The whole camp is sort of like waking up on Christmas morning, surrounded by a wonderland of wonderful puzzles to be solved by girls from ages eleven to fourteen.

By the elevators they’re building, Brynn Beatty says, ” so the goal here is to use the lighter weight to lift the heavier weight in the elevator.”

As they wrap up their summer camp, there’s no talent show like at most summer camps.

But there is a showing off of their talent.

How do they do that?

The girls have their first annual camp catapulting contest..

The girls call at the summer camp call themselves the Krewe of STEM.

STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.