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HAMMOND, La –  At the Louisiana Renaissance Festival, one guy’s got his career up in the air.

And that’s exactly where it should be according to WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood.

The guy is named Paolo Garbanzo.

That’s Garbanzo as in the bean. The garbanzo bean.

So Wild Bill asks Paolo if garbanzo beans are, in fact, the favorite food of Paolo Garbanzo.

Paolo says, well, no.

His favorite food is pizza.

Not sure if he juggles pizza, but Paolo has been juggling one thing or another since he was twelve.

He started juggling his mom’s kitchen knives. All kinds of knives. Most of them really sharp.

And yes, his mom still speaks to him.  She is stunned that he has made a career of something that’s rather unusual and odd.

It’s the career that keeps Paolo Garbanzo traveling and appearing on stages all over the world.

From Florida to Texas.

From London to Prague.

Paolo  performs all over the globe.

Wild Bill has a confession for Paolo.

Wild Bill says, “I often drop the ball on stories I have to cover, what happens if that ever happens to you?”

Paolo Garbanzo the juggler says, “oh we just roll it right into the show, every mistake is a happy accident.”

Juggling, it seems, is just like life itself.

Sometimes you just have to pick things up where you left them off.

If you want to see Paolo Garbanzo on stage at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival, all you have to do is click right here.

The Louisiana Renaissance Festival is open weekends through December 10.

To find out more about Paolo Garbanzo, just click right here.