Wine question: What does “vintage” mean?

COVINGTON, La. (WGNO) – Vintages are as important as anything else when it comes to wines, and Adam Acquistapace of Acquistapace’s Covington Supermarket explains why.

Acquistapace explains, “Vintage, in this case, 2010, is the year in which the grapes were picked.”

Vintage will also tell us about the weather during that year. However, the most important thing is to find a producer or a style that you like, and then just go with that vintage.

“So Frescobaldi Nipozzano. This wine is good every year. The only difference is the ’07, ’08, ’09 and 2010 are all going to be a little different. The style is the same because it’s the house style. The weather will be different. The concentration may be a little different.”

The weather plays a significant factor in the wine as well. For instance, if it’s a cooler year, then the wine is going to be lighter, and more clean and crisp. If the year is a warmer one, the wines will be riper.

Depending on your tastes and which style of wine you’re looking for, you may prefer different vintages. Acquistapace says when you see a wine that gets great scores, or years that get a lot of press, it’s usually the vintages being ripe. But this may not be the style of wine that you like. Acquistapaces suggests you don’t focus on the vintage as much, but instead on the producer and the style.

If you have any questions about wine, spirits, beer or anything, be sure to visit www.acquistapaces.com.