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NEW ORLEANS – Our popular Uncorked series is back, and thanks to our friends at Brady’s Wine Warehouse, we’ve got some great advice on all things wine.

Richard Ellis, wine consultant for Brady’s, says it’s time to touch on another touchy subject: wine ratings.

“A wine rating is an expert’s opinion consisting of a blurb and a score, usually designed to help a consumer decide if something is going to be a good value or if they’re going to like it,” Ellis explains.

Ellis has some ways to navigate wine scores.

He says it’s important to remember that not all scores are created equal, as in, one site’s “90” rating might not be the same as another site’s “90” rating.

Others specialize in particular regions, and there are a lot of other factors as well.

The blurb, Ellis says, is more important than the score.

“The final takeaway would be trust yourself,” he says. “If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. If you do like it, you do like it.”

If you have any questions about wine, stop by Brady’s Wine Warehouse, check out the Brady’s Wine Warehouse Facebook page or send an email to