Uncorked: Serving temperature is key to getting the most out of your wine

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – When it comes to wine, serving temperature is one of the easiest and most fundamental things you can do right now to get the most out of the wine you’re already drinking.

That advice comes straight from the experts at Brady’s Wine Warehouse on Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard. Brady’s and News with a Twist are proud to bring you our popular series, “Uncorked.”

“Most people think that reds should be served at room temperature, and that whites straight out of the fridge are fine,” says Richard Ellis with Brady’s Wine Warehouse. “This is, unfortunately, false.”

Ellis says reds should be served at cellar temperature or cooler, and whites should be chilled, but not to the extent of coming out of the fridge at 37 degrees.

Big, tannic red wines should be relatively warm – between 59 and 64 degrees. Heavier white wines, on the other hand, should be served slightly cooler, between 54 and 61 degrees.

Cool, sweet, sparkling whites and rosés should be served somewhere between 43 and 50 degrees.

“I strongly recommend you try this at home,” Ellis says. “Take two glasses and fill them with the same wine. Take one of those glasses and put it in the fridge, and wait 20-30 minutes.  Don’t drink the other wine. Pull them out and taste them side by side. They’ll be very, very different.”

If you have any questions about wine, contact the experts at Brady’s Wine Warehouse. You can stop by the store, send them an email at info@bradyswinewarehouse.com or check them out Brady’s Facebook page.