Rain, shine or phreezing temps, the Phunny Phorty Phellows launch Carnival season

(New Orleans) WGNO – On this rainy Phriday night, the Phunny Phorty Phellows dealt with near-phreezing temperatures to announce the start of Carnival season.

“We’re just on a little streetcar, but when we pass by you, you know that Carnival’s begun — that’s what we are, the heralds of Carnival,” says the krewe’s captain.

Every year on Twelfth Night, the krewe rides a streetcar on the St. Charles Avenue route, choosing its 2017 Queen and “Boss” (Phunny Phorty Phellows version of a King) along the way, while eating King Cake and drinking champagne.

The captain adds, “Phunny Phorty Phellows  originated in the late 1800s and from 1878 to 1898, and then a group of us in 1980 took up the banner again. The orginal ‘PPP’ are known for satirical costumes and pretty ones too. We also have a motto which I would like to share with you: A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the best of men — and for us women too!”

It was a wet and chilly evening, but nothing could dampen the spirit of the crowd that packed the Willow Street Car Barn.  Shortly after 6 p.m., satire and champagne were flowing non-stop.

After the obligatory countdown and an official toast from the Krewe of OAK, the streetcar made its way out of the barn — but was delayed almost immediately because of some poorly-parked cars.

The streets were less crowded than usual because of the weather, but inside the street car, the party never missed a beat.

After all, in New Orleans, we don’t let anyone rain on our parades — even Mother Nature.