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BAY ST. LOUIS, MS. – Alice Moseley, or “Miss Alice” as she’s known around Bay St. Louis, left a colorful and lasting mark on her adopted hometown.

You’ll learn about this acclaimed folk artist, and get a sense of how much she loved Bay St. Louis (and was loved right back!) when you visit the Alice Moseley Folk Art & Antique Museum, located on the second floor of the Historic Train Depot.

Miss Alice moved to Bay St. Louis when she was two months shy of her 80th birthday.

She felt an instant kinship to the people on the Gulf Coast, calling Bay St. Louis, her “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,” and she even created a painting with that thought in mind.

She died in 2004, but her legacy lives on in this one-room museum filled with 50 originals, most collected by her son, Tim Moseley.

You’ll also get to see Tim’s extensive antique collection.

Admission is free, per Miss Alice’s wishes — she wanted to be sure anyone could afford to visit the museum and share in her joy.

One of the highlights of the collection is called “The House is Blue, But the Old Lady Ain’t.” It’s a perfect description of both the house she lived in (you can still see it across the street) and the woman herself, who was known for her entertaining spirit.

“She lived 15 of the best years of her life here in Bay St. Louis,” Tim Moseley said.

The museum features Miss Alice on video telling her jokes and stories.

It’s a “don’t miss” attraction in Bay St. Louis.