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NEW ORLEANS –  In New Orleans Ninth Ward, you can hear them.

They are the sisters.

They are the sisters at Sisters of the Holy Family.

And what you hear is the sisters praying.

They pray every day.

They pray all day.   Sometimes the pray in the chapel.  Other times, they pray while they’re doing whatever else it is they’re doing.

When they pray, the sisters are talking to God and sometimes they’re sending their messages with help from the saints.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says they pray to the saints and these days, they are also praying for the Saints.

These Saints are the New Orleans Saints.

There’s no way to hide their habit.  These nuns are big-time, long-time, full-time football fans.

They are devout and devoted to the New Orleans Saints.  It’s the team they see as sacred.

The sisters at Sisters of the Holy Family have a history of helping others.  They help them with food, with education, with healthcare.

They follow their founder from 1842.  That’s the nun they believe will become a real saint. That’s a saint according to the Catholic Church.

Their founder is the now Venerable Henriette DeLille, a free woman of color.  She started the tradition of taking care of the sick during a yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans.

She is called the “servant of slaves”.

She is now the first American born African American whose cause for canonization has been officially started by the Catholic Church.

The nuns figure they’re got a good connection.

When it comes to the football Saints, as they’re gearing up for the next game, these girls have a plan.

If the score gets too close or if the Saints get behind, the sisters go into action.

They go into prayer formation.

With hearts toward Heaven and faith in football, the Who Dat Nation now has a sister act.

The Who Dat Nuns.