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NEW ORLEANS — Comedian and business owner Stephanie Kauffman may have just come up with the best past time for this hurricane season.

It’s a new game called Guess Dat, and you guessed it: it’s all about New Orleans.

The timer is a crawfish pot, so when your crawfish is done boiling, your time is up. And instead of a “bank” there is a C.R.A.P. (City- Required- Auto Insurance-Policies) Pile because we all know we pay an arm and a leg for car insurance down here.

The coins are Mardi Gras doubloons, and Mardi Gras masks hold up the cards that you then guess what New Orleans “thing” you are. The cards range from ”I am a pothole” to “I am a cockroach” to “I am gentrification.”

The prize is something we all covet: lower car insurance!

“This is the best rainy day activity,” said Kauffman.

The game is available for pre-order and expected to hit the market in July.

“Our goal right now is to get 100 pre-orders, or donations to our kick-starter, so we can get this off the ground,” said Kauffman.

For contributing to the kick-starter, you will get a game, a card deck, or custom Guess Dat merch.

The game will be sold at Nola T-Shirt of the Month Club on Magazine street once it hits the market.