Test Kitchen Taylor at home: Homemade Bouncy Balls!

NEW ORLEANS – A DIY project that is perfect for the kiddos!

There are so many do it yourself project for kids circling the internet right now, but have you heard of homemade bouncy balls?  Test Kitchen Taylor shows you how to do it.

Homemade Bouncy Balls
1/2 cup warm water
1 tbsp borax
Elmers clear or glitter glue (any color)
Spatula, to stir
paper towel

Combine 1/2 cup warm water with 1 tbsp Borax
Once combined, add in as much glue as you want.
The more glue you add, the bigger the ball will be.
Keep stirring until the glue clumps up, then pull out and dry off on a paper towel.
Use your hands to roll into a ball.
If it gets sticky or glue-like at all, throw it back into the water and stir for a bit.

Be sure to share your bouncy balls on social media and tag @taylorfeingold and #TestKitchenTaylor in your posts!