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CNN) — For those of us being responsible and self-distancing at home, there’s a lot to miss about the world: restaurants, movie theaters … and Girl Scout cookies.

Crave no more. Girl Scout cookies are now available to buy online, the organization announced Friday.

“To protect girls and communities in the wake of COVID-19, Girl Scouts have suspended door-to-door sales and cookie booths,” the Girl Scouts said on their official website.

“But you can still buy your favorite cookies online today and have them shipped to your door—or donate cookies and we’ll distribute them safely to provide comfort to first responders, volunteers, and local causes in need.”

Girl Scout troops across the country have been donating cookies to nurses at local hospitals — and even sewing masks for hospital staff.

The Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama also donated over a dozen cases of cookies to Feeding the Gulf Coast, a non-profit organization feeding those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.