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NEW ORLEANS — When life hands you potholes, as it often does in New Orleans, you have a party.

That’s what one Irish Channel neighborhood did Friday night at the site of a pothole on Third and Laurel streets.

It’s the same pothole where a semi got stuck back in July,  but the problem with the pothole persisted before the 18-wheeler driver spent hours trying to get out.

Neighbors decided to spruce it up since the city hasn’t come back to clean up the big mess in months.

Rick Viana, who lives on Laurel Street, said he put out some chairs, and that prompted other neighbors to add their own personal touches.

Pretty soon, they had enough for a party, so that’s exactly what they did, in true New Orleans fashion.

“We’re making light of our cars bottoming out every time we drive,” says Viana, who also says his house shakes every time people speed over the gaping hole.

Do you have a monster pothole on your street? Send an email to