Pay what you’re paid: Pop-up shop charges by gender

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – There’s a big wage gap between men and women in this country and Louisiana is one of the worst states for working women.

Studies say, women only make 66% less than men in the state.

To put that into perspective, pop-up shop Less Than 100 has two different prices for its customers.

“Every time you look at an item there’s going to be two price tags on there,” said local shop producer Tammy Mercure. “There’s going to be a green sticker that’s 100% of the price and a yellow sticker that’s 66% percent of the price, which is the current wage gap in Louisiana.”

So far, the shop is getting a positive response from the community.

“Men are also very excited about the idea. I think we have a lot of allies,” said Mercure. “It’s going to take women and men to get together to close the gap, and I think they’re ready for it.”

The pop-up shop on 1612 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard will stay open until the end of November.
