Parkway’s deelish Thanksgiving po-boys benefit Copeland Foundation

NEW ORLEANS— One of the most popular dishes on the Parkway Bakery and Tavern menu happens for only 5 days a year.

Every Wednesday in the month of November the offering is the delicious turkey stuffing, cranberry and gravy all on one sandwich,

We spoke with Justin Kennedy from Parkway and he told us all about the orgin of the po-boy, “We’ve been doing this po-boy since 2009, and an old-schooler that used to work here named Randy. This was right after the storm. This was FEMA trailer days. He was living outside, and he told me one day during Thanksgiving he said, ‘You need to do a Thanksgiving po-boy.’ He was 9th Ward, and he said it’d be off the chain!”

As for the ingredients Kenndy says, The stuffing people like, especially the Where Yat’s are like is it mirliton stuffing, or is it oyster dressing, and this is what it is. It’s seasoned Ledenheimer french bread, and that good knock the tongue out of your mouth. Cornbread, cranberry, homemade brown gravy too made with the stock. That’s it. It’s a leftover sandwich.”

Kennedy continued, “We partnered with the Copeland Foundation and as you can see you have this line, and I said what’s something I can do to raise money with and it’s festive. The sandwich is so festive, it’s novelty. There’s people out in lawn chairs waiting for it at 6 in the morning, and I said donate $50 skip the line all your money goes to the Al Copeland foundation to fight cancer. They’re saving lives here in Louisiana left and right. Big Al was stricken with merkel cell carcinoma. He had more money than anybody but couldn’t pay for a cure. Since his death his son vowed to fight this and cure this cancer. Guess what? A man stricken with the same cancer only had a few months to live, he might be here in line today getting a turkey cancer-free.”