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NEW ORLEANS — A company that started in 1904 is still going strong in the wetlands of Louisiana hunting some of the best oysters on the Gulf Coast.

It all started in 1870 when the Jurisch brothers came from Austria and settled in New Orleans to start in the oyster farming business.

The business has been passed down for 4 generations and the Jurisich family still lives in the bayou doing what they love. Catching oysters.

The land that the Jurisich family grew up on in Bayou La Chute is now covered in water. It just proves that coastal erosion is a real problem.

Sal Sunseri, co-founder of the New Orleans Oyster Festival and owner of P & J Oyster Co., decided it would be great for the public to come out on the oyster fishing boat to show people how important it is to keep the oyster industry going in South Louisiana.

“This is a great opportunity to go out with the Jurisich family and experience something hands-on about Oysters,” Sunseri said.

The New Orleans Oyster Festival is June 3 and 4 at Woldenberg Park. Admission is free.

WGNO-News with a Twist is a proud media sponsor of the New Orleans Oyster Festival. For more information, click here.