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NEW ORLEANS — If you are a mommy, you are basically superwoman.

One group of women decided to help share some of their power and wisdom with other moms by creating a forum called the “New Orleans Moms Blog” and “Nola Fit Moms.”

One writer for these Facebook pages is Amanda Bensabat.

Bensabat is a mother to three boys and admits that motherhood can feel a bit isolating at times.

“You sort of feel like you are on your own little island, so getting out, connecting with other moms, exercising, all those things have really helped me feel not so alone,” says Bensabat.

She says creating healthy habits like working out should be a daily routine.

“The gym should be as important as car pool. You would never forget to do that. It is a part of your day. You are going to make time for it. You adjust everything else in your schedule to fit it, and that’s how I feel about the gym,” says Bensabat.

During her third pregnancy, Bensabat reveals that she struggled with postpartum depression and the recovery process was not easy.

“The difference in my mental health is notable. So when I first started working out after this baby when I had the postpartum depression, I would feel for about two hours after a good exercise this like, rush of endorphins.”

So for all of you mommies out there looking to join the motion, be encouraged to just take it one day at a time.

“Make yourself and your health a priority. So if you can’t get to the gym 6 days a week, that may be so unrealistic for lots of moms out there, move in some way 6 days a week,” says Bensabat.

We asked Bensabat to be candid about which workouts were a big struggle for her.

She, like many others, admitted it was their abdomen.

For a full list of exercises for the new year, New Orleans Mom Blog and Nola Fit Moms have a plan for you. Click here for more.

Or if you are training for pregnancy, read Bensabat’s blog that will help you find healthy tips and trick to stay toned during your special time.