Made in Louisiana: a movie from high school kids

NEW ORLEANS – At Lusher Charter School, food for thought is a feature film about New Orleans food.

It’s a six-and-a-half minute movie.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says it was conceived and created by five high school students.

All of them seniors.

All set to graduate in the Class of 2020.

All them now Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

As they finish the final edits of their very own motion picture, they remember how they’d sit and strategize.

They planned, plotted and produced.

And spent four months with lights, camera and action at restaurants and food festivals around New Orleans.

Before they’d head out on location, they traveled downstairs to the cafeteria for a practice run.

Since lunch lady Jaqueline Wiliams serves pork and beans like a star, she’s the main character in their rehearsal.

The name of their food film is Fully Dressed.

For kids who are hungry for Hollywood, it’s just the beginning.

It’s just an appetizer.