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(WGNO) —The holiday season is a time for gifts for family and friends, but don’t forget your pets!

After all, don’t they leave you little presents around the house all the time?

Best Products released a list of “18 Great Gifts for Your Pets This Holiday.”

Whether it’s practical things like cat trees or whimsical like the pooch selfie stick, these gifts will make your pet  – and you – happy!

Our favorite 10 from the list:

  1. Laser Scratch Pad
  2. Pooch Selfie
  3. Whack a mouse
  4. iFetch Ball Thrower
  5. Fresh Patch Potty
  6. Cat face massager
  7. Doggy water bottle
  8. Unicorn horse horn
  9. Catnip fortune cookies
  10. Cat tree

Check out the full list here.