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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)– Do you hear the floors creaking when no one else is home? Or have you seen a shadow passing by and when you look, no one is there? Your house might be haunted, and here are some tell tale signs that you may have some uninvited guests.

According to New Orleans Psychic and Medium, Cari Roy, when there is a ghostly presence near by, you might feel off balance. This is confirmed by Jennifer Hanna, who currently resides in one of the original homes that was apart of the Delachaise Plantation. Hanna describes feeling off balance, or having stuffy ears right before a light would flicker or an alarm would randomly go off in her house.

Another sign of a haunted home is if your electronics start being temperamental.

“Electrical equipment is one of the easiest ways for ghosts to manipulate their environment, and so lights will flicker, batteries will drain, alarms go off,” said Roy. Note: during the interview at Hanna’s house the batteries on the mic-pack drained, and the clock on Hanna’s shelf turned off…

Lastly, ghosts like to hang out where they enjoyed spending time in their time on earth. For most that is their home.  If you begin making changes to your house and notice things start to go awry, it could be that the previous owners are not happy with the renovations you are making and are interfering to let you know it’s not suited to their liking. Roy suggests asking your ghosts if they are OK with your renovations and to ask for a sign.

So if you start to feel hazy, or your electronics begin acting funny….you might want to reconsider remodeling that bathroom because you may not be alone….