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NEW ORLEANS — Oyster Fest is right around the corner, and we are taking a look at some of the best oysters this city has to offer.

Acme Oyster House always seems to be a fan favorite, and that’s because they bring one of the main events to the festival.

“Acme Oyster House serves the greatest oysters in the world, period. What makes our oysters so special is they are from Louisiana. They have a certain habitat that they live and grow in, and we have generations of families that farm these oysters,” says Acme’s director of business development, Jeremy Deblieux.

From farm to table and then back on the road again, these raw oysters will be eaten by the dozens this weekend.

“My favorite part is the Acme World Oyster Eating Championship. It’s just tons of fun, it’s not something you’d see or can see any other weekend in New Orleans. Believe it or not, there is a circuit where people who are professional eaters go to different places and eat different foods. They just put three or four at a time on the fork and eat them and just keep going and going and going,” says Deblieux.

Last year’s winner ate 40 dozen oysters, but the all time record of this competition is 47 dozen oysters in the 8-minute time frame.

The competition takes place on Sunday.

For more information, click here.